package aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.dataprocessing; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.ICQConstants; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.ICQServiceInternal; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.ICQServiceResponse; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.dataentity.Flap; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.dataentity.ICQPersonalInfo; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.dataentity.Snac; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.inner.dataentity.TLV; import aceim.protocol.snuk182.icq.utils.ProtocolUtils; public class PersonalInfoEngine { private static final String CODEPAGE_WIN1251 = "Cp1251"; private static final DateFormat dateformat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); public final Map<Byte, String> metaInfoRequestMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Byte, String>()); private final Map<String, Boolean> fullRequestMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Boolean>()); private ICQServiceInternal service; private ICQPersonalInfo recentInfo = new ICQPersonalInfo(); public PersonalInfoEngine(ICQServiceInternal icqServiceInternal){ this.service = icqServiceInternal; } public void parsePersonalInfoResponse(String uin, byte[] response, boolean last){ short subtype = ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, 0); switch(subtype){ case 0x104: parseShortPersonalInfo(uin, response, recentInfo); break; case 0x1ae: parseLastUserFound(uin, response, true); return; case 0xc8: parseBasicPersonalInfo(uin, response, recentInfo); break; case 0xeb: parseEmailsInfo(uin, response, recentInfo); break; case 0xd2: parseWorkInfo(uin, response, recentInfo); break; case 0xf0: parseInterestsInfo(uin, response, recentInfo); break; case 0xdc: parseMoreUserinfo(uin, response, recentInfo); break; case 0x10e: break; case 0xe6: parseNotesInfo(uin, response, recentInfo); break; case 0xfa: parseAffiliations(uin, response, recentInfo); break; } if (last){ boolean isFull = fullRequestMap.remove(recentInfo.uin); service.getServiceResponse().respond(ICQServiceResponse.RES_USERINFO, recentInfo, isFull); } } private void parseAffiliations(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { int pos = 3; int pastsCount = response[pos]; pos++; while(pastsCount > 0){ int past = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; int noteLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String note; try { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1); } pos += noteLength; if (past > 0){ info.params.put("past "+past, note); } pastsCount--; } int affCount = response[pos]; pos++; while(affCount > 0){ int aff = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; int noteLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String note; try { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1); } pos += noteLength; if (aff > 0){ info.params.put("affiliation "+aff, note); } affCount--; } service.log(info.params.toString()); } private void parseMoreUserinfo(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { int pos = 3; int age = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; byte gender = response[pos]; pos++; int homepageLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String homepage; try { homepage = new String(response, pos, homepageLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { homepage = new String(response, pos, homepageLength-1); } pos+=homepageLength; int year = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos))-1900; pos+=2; byte month = response[pos]; pos++; byte day = response[pos]; pos++; int lang1 = response[pos]; pos++; int lang2 = response[pos]; pos++; int lang3 = response[pos]; pos++; short maritalStatus = ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos); pos+=2; int fromCityLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String fromCity; try { fromCity = new String(response, pos, fromCityLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fromCity = new String(response, pos, fromCityLength-1); } pos+=fromCityLength; int fromStateLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String fromState; try { fromState = new String(response, pos, fromStateLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fromState = new String(response, pos, fromStateLength-1); } pos+=fromStateLength; int countryCode = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; int timezone = response[pos]; if (age > 0){ info.age = (short) age; } if (countryCode > 0){ info.params.put("From country", countryCode); } if (fromState.length() > 0){ info.params.put("From state", fromState); } if (fromCity.length() > 0){ info.params.put("From city", fromCity); } if (gender > 0){ info.gender = gender; } info.params.put("From GMT", timezone); if (homepage.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Homepage", homepage); } if (year >0 && month>0 && day > 0){ Calendar birth = Calendar.getInstance(); birth.set(year, month, day); info.params.put("Birthday", dateformat.format(birth.getTime())); } if (lang1 > 0){ info.params.put("Language #1", lang1); } if (lang2 > 0){ info.params.put("Language #2", lang2); } if (lang3 > 0){ info.params.put("Language #3", lang3); } if (maritalStatus > 0){ info.params.put("Family status", maritalStatus); } service.log(info.params.toString()); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void parseInterestsInfo(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { int pos = 3; int interestsCount = response[pos]; pos++; StringBuffer interests = new StringBuffer(); while (interestsCount > 0){ byte[] occupationCodeBytes = new byte[2]; System.arraycopy(response, pos, occupationCodeBytes, 0, 2); String occupationCode = new String(occupationCodeBytes); pos+=2; int noteLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String note; try { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1); } interests.append(note); pos += noteLength; if (interestsCount > 1){ interests.append(", "); } interestsCount--; } if (interests.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Interests", interests.toString()); } service.log(info.params.toString()); } private void parseWorkInfo(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { int pos = 3; int workCityLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workCity; try { workCity = new String(response, pos, workCityLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workCity = new String(response, pos, workCityLength-1); } pos+=workCityLength; int workStateLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workState; try { workState = new String(response, pos, workStateLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workState = new String(response, pos, workStateLength-1); } pos+=workStateLength; int workPhoneLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workPhone; try { workPhone = new String(response, pos, workPhoneLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workPhone = new String(response, pos, workPhoneLength-1); } pos+=workPhoneLength; int workFaxLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workFax; try { workFax = new String(response, pos, workFaxLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workFax = new String(response, pos, workFaxLength-1); } pos+=workFaxLength; int workAddLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workAdd; try { workAdd = new String(response, pos, workAddLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workAdd = new String(response, pos, workAddLength-1); } pos+=workAddLength; int workZipLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workZip; try { workZip = new String(response, pos, workZipLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workZip = new String(response, pos, workZipLength-1); } pos+=workZipLength; int countryCode = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; int workCompanyLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workCompany; try { workCompany = new String(response, pos, workCompanyLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workCompany = new String(response, pos, workCompanyLength-1); } pos+=workCompanyLength; int workDepartmentLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workDepartment; try { workDepartment = new String(response, pos, workDepartmentLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workDepartment = new String(response, pos, workDepartmentLength-1); } pos+=workDepartmentLength; int workPositionLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workPosition; try { workPosition = new String(response, pos, workPositionLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workPosition = new String(response, pos, workPositionLength-1); } pos+=workPositionLength; int occupationCode = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; int workWebpageLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String workWebpage; try { workWebpage = new String(response, pos, workWebpageLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { workWebpage = new String(response, pos, workWebpageLength-1); } pos+=workWebpageLength; if (workAdd.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work address", workAdd); } if (workCity.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work city", workCity); } if (workCompany.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work company", workCompany); } if (workDepartment.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work department", workDepartment); } if (workFax.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work fax", workFax); } if (workPhone.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work phone", workPhone); } if (workPosition.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work position", workPosition); } if (workState.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work state", workState); } if (workWebpage.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work webpage", workWebpage); } if (workZip.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Work ZIP/post code", workZip); } if (occupationCode > 0){ info.params.put("Work occupation", occupationCode); } if (countryCode > 0){ info.params.put("Work country", countryCode); } service.log(info.params.toString()); } private void parseEmailsInfo(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { int pos = 3; int emailsCount = response[pos]; pos++; StringBuffer otherEmails = new StringBuffer(); while (emailsCount > 0){ int noteLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String note; try { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1); } otherEmails.append(note); pos += noteLength; if (emailsCount > 1){ otherEmails.append(", "); } emailsCount--; } if (otherEmails.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Emails", otherEmails.toString()); } service.log(info.params.toString()); } private void parseNotesInfo(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { int pos = 3; int noteLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String note; try { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { note = new String(response, pos, noteLength-1); } if (note.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Note", note); } service.log(info.params.toString()); } private void parseBasicPersonalInfo(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { int pos = 3; int nickLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String nick; try { nick = new String(response, pos, nickLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { nick = new String(response, pos, nickLength-1); } pos+=nickLength; int fnameLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String fname; try { fname = new String(response, pos, fnameLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fname = new String(response, pos, fnameLength-1); } pos+=fnameLength; int lnameLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String lname; try { lname = new String(response, pos, lnameLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { lname = new String(response, pos, lnameLength-1); } pos+=lnameLength; int emailLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String email; try { email = new String(response, pos, emailLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { email = new String(response, pos, emailLength-1); } pos+=emailLength; int cityLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String city; try { city = new String(response, pos, cityLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { city = new String(response, pos, cityLength-1); } pos+=cityLength; int stateLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String state; try { state = new String(response, pos, stateLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { state = new String(response, pos, stateLength-1); } pos+=stateLength; int phoneLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String phone; try { phone = new String(response, pos, phoneLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { phone = new String(response, pos, phoneLength-1); } pos+=phoneLength; int faxLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String fax; try { fax = new String(response, pos, faxLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fax = new String(response, pos, faxLength-1); } pos+=faxLength; int addrLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String addr; try { addr = new String(response, pos, addrLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { addr = new String(response, pos, addrLength-1); } pos+=addrLength; int mobileLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String mobile; try { mobile = new String(response, pos, mobileLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { mobile = new String(response, pos, mobileLength-1); } pos+=mobileLength; int zipLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String zip; try { zip = new String(response, pos, zipLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { zip = new String(response, pos, zipLength-1); } pos+=zipLength; int countryCode = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; int gmt = response[pos]; info.uin = uin; info.nickname = nick; = email; info.firstName = fname; info.lastName = lname; if (city.length() > 0){ info.params.put("City", city); } if (phone.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Home phone", phone); } if (mobile.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Mobile phone", mobile); } if (state.length() > 0){ info.params.put("State", state); } if (fax.length() > 0){ info.params.put("Fax", fax); } if (addr.length() > 0 ){ info.params.put("Address", addr); } if (countryCode > 0){ info.params.put("Country", countryCode); } if (zip.length() > 0){ info.params.put("ZIP code", zip); } info.params.put("GMT", gmt); service.log(info.params.toString()); } private void parseLastUserFound(String uin, byte[] response, boolean isLast) { List<ICQPersonalInfo> infos = new ArrayList<ICQPersonalInfo>(1); if (response[2]!=0xa){ service.getServiceResponse().respond(ICQServiceResponse.RES_SEARCHRESULT, infos); } int pos = 5; //omit 2 bytes of length uin = ProtocolUtils.unsignedInt2Long(ProtocolUtils.bytes2IntLE(response, pos))+""; pos+=4; int nickLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String nick; try { nick = new String(response, pos, nickLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { nick = new String(response, pos, nickLength-1); } pos+=nickLength; int fnameLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String fname; try { fname = new String(response, pos, fnameLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fname = new String(response, pos, fnameLength-1); } pos+=fnameLength; int lnameLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String lname; try { lname = new String(response, pos, lnameLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { lname = new String(response, pos, lnameLength-1); } pos+=lnameLength; int emailLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String email; try { email = new String(response, pos, emailLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { email = new String(response, pos, emailLength-1); } pos+=emailLength; byte authRequired = response[pos]; pos++; short onlineStatus = ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos); pos+=2; byte gender = response[pos]; pos++; short age = ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos); ICQPersonalInfo info = new ICQPersonalInfo(); info.uin = uin; info.nickname = nick; = email; info.firstName = fname; info.lastName = lname; info.age = age; info.authRequired = authRequired; info.gender = gender; info.status = onlineStatus; infos.add(info); service.getServiceResponse().respond(ICQServiceResponse.RES_SEARCHRESULT, infos); } private void parseShortPersonalInfo(String uin, byte[] response, ICQPersonalInfo info) { if (response[2]!=0xa){ return; } int pos = 3; int nickLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String nick; try { nick = new String(response, pos, nickLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { nick = new String(response, pos, nickLength-1); } pos+=nickLength; int fnameLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String fname; try { fname = new String(response, pos, fnameLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fname = new String(response, pos, fnameLength-1); } pos+=fnameLength; int lnameLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String lname; try { lname = new String(response, pos, lnameLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { lname = new String(response, pos, lnameLength-1); } pos+=lnameLength; int emailLength = ProtocolUtils.unsignedShort2Int(ProtocolUtils.bytes2ShortLE(response, pos)); pos+=2; String email; try { email = new String(response, pos, emailLength-1, CODEPAGE_WIN1251); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { email = new String(response, pos, emailLength-1); } pos+=emailLength; info.uin = uin; info.nickname = nick; = email; info.firstName = fname; info.lastName = lname; } public void getShortPersonalMetainfo(String uin) { getPersonalMetaInfoInternal(uin, false); } private void getPersonalMetaInfoInternal(String uin, boolean isFull) { recentInfo = new ICQPersonalInfo(); fullRequestMap.put(uin, isFull); service.getRunnableService().sendToSocket(getMetaInfoRequestFlap(uin, isFull)); } private Flap getMetaInfoRequestFlap(String uin, boolean isFull){ Flap flap1 = new Flap(); = ICQConstants.FLAP_CHANNELL_DATA; Snac data1 = new Snac(); data1.serviceId = ICQConstants.SNAC_FAMILY_ICQEXTENSION; data1.subtypeId = ICQConstants.SNAC_ICQEXTENSION_METAINFOREQ; data1.requestId = ICQConstants.SNAC_ICQEXTENSION_METAINFOREQ; TLV tlv1 = new TLV(); tlv1.type = 0x1; byte[] tlvBytes = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.short2ByteLE((short) 14), 0, tlvBytes, 0, 2); String ownerUin = service.getUn(); int ownerUinNumber = Integer.parseInt(ownerUin); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.int2ByteLE(ownerUinNumber), 0, tlvBytes, 2, 4); byte counter = service.getIntCounter().byteValue(); metaInfoRequestMap.put(new Byte(counter), uin); System.arraycopy(new byte[]{(byte) 0xd0, 0x07, 0x02, counter, isFull ? (byte) 0xb2 : (byte) 0xba, 0x4}, 0, tlvBytes, 6, 6); int uinNumber = Integer.parseInt(uin); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.int2ByteLE(uinNumber), 0, tlvBytes, 12, 4); tlv1.value = tlvBytes; = new TLV[]{tlv1}; = data1; return flap1; } public void sendSearchByUinRequest(String uin){ int numUin; try { numUin = Integer.parseInt(uin); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { service.getServiceResponse().respond(ICQServiceResponse.RES_NOTIFICATION, "UIN cannot be parsed"); service.getServiceResponse().respond(ICQServiceResponse.RES_SEARCHRESULT, new ArrayList<ICQPersonalInfo>(0)); return; } Flap flap = new Flap(); = ICQConstants.FLAP_CHANNELL_DATA; Snac data = new Snac(); data.serviceId = ICQConstants.SNAC_FAMILY_ICQEXTENSION; data.subtypeId = ICQConstants.SNAC_ICQEXTENSION_METAINFOREQ; data.requestId = ICQConstants.SNAC_ICQEXTENSION_METAINFOREQ; TLV tlv = new TLV(); tlv.type = ICQConstants.TLV_ICQEXTENSION_METADATA; byte[] value = new byte[20]; System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.short2ByteLE((short) 18), 0, value, 0, 2); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.int2ByteLE(Integer.parseInt(service.getUn())), 0, value, 2, 4); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.short2ByteLE(ICQConstants.ICQEXTENSION_COMMAND_METADATA_REQ), 0, value, 6, 2); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.short2ByteLE((short) 2), 0, value, 8, 2); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.short2ByteLE((short) ICQConstants.ICQEXTENSION_SUBCOMMAND_SEARCH_BY_UIN_WITH_TLV), 0, value, 10, 2); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.short2ByteLE((short) 0x136), 0, value, 12, 2); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.short2ByteLE((short) 0x9), 0, value, 14, 2); System.arraycopy(ProtocolUtils.int2ByteLE(numUin), 0, value, 16, 4); tlv.value = value; = new TLV[]{tlv}; = data; service.getRunnableService().sendToSocket(flap); } public void getFullPersonalMetainfo(String uin) { getPersonalMetaInfoInternal(uin, true); } }